Rev. Melissa Cooper



Jessica Stollings


"Melissa Cooper is dynamic - a perfect blend of academic, practitioner and teacher. Her knowledge of intergenerational ministry and generational theory is deep and she communicates it with grace, inviting everyone into the conversation. I recommend Melissa to you with enthusiasm!"

Rev. Joanna Cummings

Children's Minister
The Village
Nashville, TN

"Melissa is an incredibly gifted pastor, facilitator and innovator. She’s continuously learning, connecting with others and staying up on the spiritual needs of those in our churches and how we can disciple those within our context. A simple conversation over coffee with Melissa will leave you inspired, encouraged and ready to change our world."

Rev. Dave Baldridge

Senior Pastor
Palm Harbor UMC
Palm Harbor, Fl

“I heartily recommend Rev. Cooper to you and her valuable consultation and advice. She stays well connected with trends, but is passionate about making sure the high mission of the Church is foremost. She presents well. She leads discussion in a very strategic way and your team will come away with hope, optimism and ideas for a strategy forward.”

Karen DeBoer

Creative Resource Developer
Faith Formation Ministries, Christian Reformed Church in North America

"Melissa Cooper is a thoughtful listener, an enthusiastic encourager and a creative thinker who is actively engaged in exploring intergenerational spaces where faith is nurtured as all ages live into and out of God's story together."

Liz Perraud

Executive Director
GenOn Ministries

"Melissa Cooper exudes hope and possibilities! She 'gets' what it takes to move churches forward in faithful practices, especially when it comes to bringing generations together to glorify God and build up the Body of Christ."

Rev. Dr. Olivia Bryan Updegrove

Disciples of Christ

"Melissa Cooper is one of the most forward thinking minds on how the church community should faithfully respond to the rapid changes in our current culture."